Workflow Management
Office paper forms, manual systems, fax, or outdated electronics are a thing of the past. Organizations need to upgrade their workflow management systems using automation and software technology to keep up with the demands. Workflow management can help automate business activities and processes so workers in the field can perform their job functions safely.
Automate Business Operations
WorkAware workflow management software reduces organizations' operational performance and lowers their administrative costs. WorkAware innovative mobile application allows remote workers to access necessary forms even without an internet connection.
Simplify Workflow Management
Using WorkAware workflow management software allows you to customize modules that mirror your business functions and capture the data you need. WorkAware lone worker solution digitizes your paper forms so your workers in the field can easily access necessary office forms and comply with their job functions requirements. It provides team members with the real-time status of the lone worker, company machinery, and equipment.
With the WorkAware workflow management system, you can:
• Make custom modules for your specific workflows
• Automate your business processes and digitize office forms
• Simplify getting and sending data from remote sites and lone workers
• Create and maintain records including company assets and equipment
• Effectively manage the workflow process
• Identify industry trends and areas for improvement
• Capture and send photo and video files for real-time incident reports
• Comprehensive incident report writer to monitor performance on site
Control and Visibility
WorkAware incident response solutions will save appropriate office forms for workers to fulfill and submit for regulatory environment, health, and safety compliance. Using WorkAware's innovative mobile application, workflow modules are easy and simple to configure according to your business activities. You can quickly amend it in case your business processes change or upgrade.
Restructure Electronic Documents Using Workflow Management System
WorkAware's workflow management software can digitize the following office documents:
• Timesheets
• Product Returns
• Change Notes
• Leave Requests
• Customer Complaints
• Customer Complaints
• New Product Requests
• Incident Reports
• Certificates
• Training Manuals
• Permits
• Licenses
WorkAware safety compliance system is beneficial for all kinds of industries, business establishments, government branches, and private sectors. It can save tons of paperwork and prevents loss or misplaced documents creating an efficient and effective way of retrieving company records.
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